Friday, September 11, 2009


The school year has started and so has pre-production on Pest Control, my graduate 2D animated short film. This year, unlike last we will be "hitting the ground running" with story production with my final reel due in about 6 weeks from now.

I am going to start by posting a short animation of my character which I did over the summer. I am impressed only because I did it on a little light box, on my lap and on a couch without the assist of Flipbook or any other way to shoot it. I was not able to shoot this until today which taught me to flip and analyze animation regardless of the computer. I am going to try an animate this entire year without the restraint of shooting constantly.

Secondly, here is my storyboard (so far) for my film. I have 2 more sections to do for it an am steadily approaching the maximum length. That means I will be editing and cutting in the coming weeks. So far I am happy. I have been given suggestions already and am excited to work them in to the second version. Until then here is Pest Control.

(and critique is welcome)

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